Wedding Photographer for Hire: Will Help Determine If He's the One!
I couldn’t tell you how many weddings I have photographed throughout the years. I have taken pictures of some of the most beautiful couples and their families. I’ve photographed everything from barn weddings to over the top extravaganzas. I believe I’ve developed quite the knack for identifying that twinkle in the eye when two soul mates embrace each other.
With that said, here are some ways to know you’ve found the one (take it from me, I’ve photographed so many “ones” I’m practically an expert, lol)!
When Your Fear of Being Truly Seen by Someone is Replaced with Understanding
Marie Curie once said, “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” The fear of falling in love stems from a fear of being seen, truly being seen for who you are. Your faults: like that tiny problem with jealousy you struggle with or your tendency to blame your partner for your problems. And your strengths: like your ability to make anyone in a room feel at ease. When I photograph a couple who I believe has found the one, I see the way they look at each other. Those couples have a certain vulnerability to their face that shows on camera. They are looking into each other. They are no longer scared because they have come to understand each other’s faults and positive traits, and that is why they have fallen in love with them.
Timing Will Reveal Mutual Life Goals
There are so many whatifs in the universe that make me pause and reflect sometimes. So many chance meetings or connections that could have been. The difference between a could-have-been and wedded bliss is being on the same page at the same point in time. If you’re a business owner, your husband should be understanding that you want to continue to pursue that. If your husband needs to move across country for his career, you should be at a place where you are willing to follow him. Either way, it should feel natural when you discuss your life-goals and how your lives will merge.
You Want to Be the Best You
When you’ve found the one, you want to be their one! That means you want to be who you believe they deserve to be with and you strive daily to be a better person for their sake. That doesn’t mean you should be critical or self-deprecating, it means you know that your relationship would benefit from working on your flaws, like improving the way you communicate. Your energy changes around people, take note of how your energy changes around them. Since you’ve been with that person you should feel stronger, more confident, more patient and kind. The key difference here is that you might be with someone who encourages you to be a better person, but you might not actually want to be. For the love of your life, you will consciously better yourself for their sake.
I can see the energy in the couples when I’m shooting their wedding portraits. The body language and the magnitude of their smiles all speaks to their love for each other.
You Have a Genuine Friendship
Think of your best friend, the one you would ask to be your maid of honor, the one who you could sit next to for hours doing absolutely nothing and still want to see that person the next weekend. Divorce does not stem from a lack of love it stems from a lack of friendship. Finding a friend is one of the most important aspects to finding your soul mate. Your best friend isn’t in love with you, but she does love you and it’s because of your friendship. Your life partner should love you regardless if they are attracted to you at the time. They just want to be there for you, be there with you, and build both of you up in the relationship.
When you've found a genuine friend in the one you love, you have fun together, doing nothing or doing anything! They enhance your creativity and ability to enjoy yourself in every situation. This couple started swing dancing at their barn wedding and they truly were having a blast!
Together You Feel Unstoppable
When you are in a true and loving relationship you should feel like the world is yours because you have the encouragement, love, and devotion from that person. That type of energy is powerful. Harness that energy and channel it into your work, life, and other relationships! When you’ve found your significant other you function as one. You might fight, you may struggle to compromise, hell you might even say hurtful things to each other, but you always apologize because you know that you’re more powerful together than apart.
Finding the One Means You have To Love Yourself First!
Finding the one is a different experience for everybody. It might take more time than you had hoped and you might make a few choices that lead you on different paths, but in the end it is you who makes you happy, your self-fulfillment must come first before you can be a better half to someone else.
Always Make Healthy Choices...Vivian